Friday 29 August 2008

Nbc - Online Coverage No Big Moneymaker For Nbc

While NBC has aforementioned it raked in more than than $1 billion in ad gross revenue for the Olympic Games, only $5.75 trillion came from online ad revenue, according to eMarketer Inc. On Sunday, the New York Times reported that NBC had employed its primarily as a "research laboratory" to get a handle on how consumers use the Internet. It said that most on-line users accessed the website to see events that they had missed on the aura or to see a repeat. The Times article appeared critical of the network's decision to delay many of the events, saying that it "place the network at odds with the spirit of the Internet which rewards speed and rejects scarceness." On the other hand Yahoo! often put events on its websites earlier they appeared on NBC's telecasts. As a outcome, the newspaper observed, Yahoo! drew an average of 4.7 million unique visitors a day through Aug. 18 versus 4.3 meg for NBC, according to Nielsen Media Research.


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